Inspiring and building better lives and communities.

Dinesh Das a social reformer, is a man of achievements. Being brought up in hard conditions he proved that a man has the potential to achieve anything if he desires to be.


Reasons to choose politics : Dinesh Das

In his (Dinesh Das) words : “…most of the people in India consider politics a dirty and blocked drainage system… everyone wants to avoid it. But… if a system decides if you are going to get your road fixed or not, what is going to be the price of your medicine, food, fuel, electricity, cost of your education, the syllabus of your studies, your religious beliefs, when and how to watch your favorite entertainment programs … then the much wiser decision is better to jump into the drainage system and clean it. It might make you a little dirty but the end result will be worth it…”


The Philosophy behind his Philanthropy

The idea's behind the charity of Mr. Dinesh Das

There are several kinds of charity or donations in society and many people do a great job of that. But Dinesh Das is no doubt an exception to it. His aim is not to create a society seeking charity or such donations but a society free of these sorts of pathetic conditions where the majority is priorly self-dependent:

  1. Mentally
  2. Physically
  3.  Spiritually
  4.  Economically
  5.  Socially …

My Events

What Peoples Say About Me

Jason Martin
Jason Martin
Jason Martin
Jason Martin

My Extra Curricular Activities

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis.

Feature List One

Feature List Two